Download Faultline 2004 Full HD.
Faultline 2004 free movies online. In the beautiful underwater reefs off the coast of Florida's pastoral Pajaro Island, a fissure rips open in the ocean floor. When graduate student Greg Chambers encounters the seismic readings, he rushes to tell his professor, Anthony McAlister. Greg suspects that a massive earthquake is about to give the small island a rude awakening. To make matters worse, the epicenter is right under Pajaro Island's new resort, where Anthony's estranged wife Lynn is working. As they drive to warn Lynn, the quake tears through the small town, damaging downtown and leveling several homes. The bridge connecting the island to the mainland is wiped out. Lynn and three others are trapped underground in the resort's utility tunnels. When Greg is killed during a rescue attempt, Lynn is forced to rally the survivors to try and save themselves. With aftershocks tearing through the site, the tunnels growing more and more unstable...
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FAULT LINE | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary - fault line definition: 1. a fault (= a break in the earth's surface) 2. a problem that may not be obvious and could cause…. Learn more
Faultline (TV Movie 2004) - IMDb -
Fault line Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster - The meaning of FAULT LINE is something resembling a fault : split, rift. How to use fault line in a sentence
Faultline - definition of faultline by The Free Dictionary - Define faultline. faultline synonyms, faultline pronunciation, faultline translation, English dictionary definition of faultline. n 1. geology Also called: fault plane the surface of a fault fracture along which the rocks have been displaced 2. a potentially disruptive division or
Faultlines - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and … - · Group faultlines are hypothetical dividing lines that may split a group into subgroups based on one or more attributes. An example of a strong faultline is a group of two young female Asians and two senior male Caucasians. Members’ alignment of age, sex, and ethnicity facilitates the formation of two homogeneous subgroups. On the other hand, when a group consists of a …
What Is a Fault Line? - WorldAtlas - The fault line lies at the boundary between two large continental plates. Namely, these are the North American plate in the east (encompassing large areas of North America and half of the Atlantic Ocean) and the Pacific plate in the west (extending from beneath the Pacific Ocean to the Mariana Trench). Since its initial formation, plate
Fault line - definition of fault line by The Free Dictionary - fault line. n. 1. (Geological Science) Also called: fault plane geology the surface of a fault fracture along which the rocks have been displaced. 2. a potentially disruptive division or area of contention: Europe remains the main fault line in the Tory Party. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014
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